Gonzaba Foundation

Photo Apr 27 2023, 9 43 58 AM

The Ambassador Program seeks influential older adults age 60+ to be the face of our foundation. We aim to spread our foundation mission and advocate for our older adult community.

Becoming an official ambassador allows seniors to make meaningful connections and increase promotion and participation at weekly Gonzaba Foundation events.

Ambassadors will have the opportunity to gain leadership skills and inspire other seniors within the community to take a more active role in representing the older adult population. 

Gonzaba Foundation ambassadors play a crucial role in serving our community. They are dedicated individuals who are passionate about carrying out our mission and extending our vision of creating healthier communities.

The responsibilities of our ambassadors vary, but most volunteer their time at events, educational conferences, seminars, and help expand our mission in other capacities. We are looking for individuals who are committed to their community and want to contribute to improving the lives of the age 60+ population in San Antonio.

If you are interested or would like more information, please call us at 210-640-9400 to speak with one of our team members.

The Gonzaba Foundation will be opening the application period for the 2024 Ambassador Program. Please check back with us later for updates!